Sunday 13 November 2011

FREE for a Day! Puffle Launch App ;)

If you have an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad you can get Puffle Launch App FREE for a day from iTunes :0
…Download The @Freeappaday Store App And Wish For More Top Rated Paid Apps Like "Puffle Launch" To Become Free For A Day!

…Thanks Monchocho for telling us about this :)


Ice Berg1010 said...

Hi Fruitystar!! Thanks for your comment!! I love YOUR blog!! Mine is ok... but I think yours is great and I don't think it will be long before you have a really big audience! Thank you for the Support! Remember how I said I was going to have a new house? Well my house is almost done! I'm very excited it should be done by Christmas!

Best wishes & fishes,
Ice Berg1010

Gpumpkin said...

Whoa! Thats amazing its free at the moment! I hope it stays like that!


Fruitystar14 said...

Hi Iceberg1010 Congrats your New House is nearly done! I'm currently living in a Mobile Home so because we're building our house and we're living on the building site. we're probably going to move in next year spring or start of summer :)
From Fruitystar14

Ice Berg1010 said...

Cool! I'm living in a little house that were renting and Im sharing a room with my three BROTHERS! *Pukes* lol